Note: ReMuse:KIT is in ‘Early Access’, meaning that you may encounter unexpected issues that will not be present in the full release of the software. Please visit the Support page for more information.
Select the links below to download the latest version for your platform
Early Access v0.9.5
Major update: Automatic Phase Alignment feature has been added! Please read the user guide for more information on how to use this feature
Major bugfix: Cloud processing option was occasionally unexpectedly not showing as an available option for some subscription users, which has now been fixed
Minor bugfix: Fixed crashes occurring with recent versions of MacOS on certain devices
Other Bugfixes:
-Fixed Output Directory setting logic
-Fixed progress calculation errors for Local Processing with Pre-Isolation switched on
-Adjusted some labels and popup window text content
-Fixed a bug where some Local Processing jobs with a mix value other than 100 weren’t running phase alignment correctly
Early Access v0.8.2
Minor tweaks and fixes
Early Access v0.8.1
Corrected License information, minor UI tweaks